Submit your Happy Ending
If you happen to find your partner on our dating service, we would be delighted to hear your romantic tale and share in your joy. Kindly take a moment to share your heartwarming story with us!
Members who found their Western Match!
username: Roperschoice1
Thank you and I'm so glad I found your site and an amazing woman who also found me!
Keep up the great work you do for people's happiness!
All the best,
Date you met: 05-07-24
Username: LittleOne
I'm writing to let you know I met a nice fellow using your service. Thanks, I've enjoyed myself tremendously.
Date you met: 03-24-24
Username: offthegrid
Dear Admin, thanks for the opportunity to meet someone on your site. Any woman who will take me for who I am is a hell of a woman. We are going to give it a try. Wish me luck. Steve
Date you met: 12-15-23
Username: sadlewood
Merry Christmas to the staff at Western Match. Thanks for providing us singles with a great place to meet. I'm still looking for my partner and enjoying every moment of it.
Date you met: 12-19-23
Username: crownroyal
Hi Admin, I'm submitting my testimonial for your website. I met Tom here on WM about a month ago. After weeks of back-and-forth communication, we decided to meet. We have been dating for about 3 months exclusively, so therefore I can for certain tell you that using your service was a success for me. I wish you all the best with your service. I hope I never have to use it again.
Date you met: 08-12-23
Username: AmyTWH
Pasture, horses, and my forever guy
Date you met: 02-12-23
Funny story admin. I met a nice lady on here. She lives down the road from me, imagine that! I most likely wouldn't have met her if it wasn't for this site though. Small world.
Thank you.
Thanks admin, I appreciate your honesty and assistance and a great service you provide. You have been great help to me on this journey to find my partner. I'm now dating a lady friend so I'm going to sign off for now. I may be back if things don't work out for me. I didn't meet her on here sorry to say, but I still like to give credit where credit is due.
Take care,
Who would have thought! I met someone using your site. I appreciate your service. The best site I've been on.
Thanks for all you do.

I wish to cancel my membership in "WM "since I've found the "ONE" I was searching for. I appreciate what's been done by your group.
Met someone using your website and no longer need it. Thank you.
I've found love on your site. Just want to thank you!
Wish me luck,
Dear WesternMatch,
Please remove me from your site, i met a wonderful little lady and I would like to give it a chance without any interference.
Take care, and thanks again,
Hi WM,
I'm grateful for your website. I met the one I've been waiting for. We have so very much in common. We have been dating now for 6 months and all is wonderful. Therefore, I feel it safe to say that I found my match through your site.
Warm greetings to yall,
I want to delete my profile please. I am in a relationship now, not from this site, but I enjoyed being on here. Thank you for the beautiful service yall provide. And wishing everyone at Western Match a happy summer!
Please delete my profile. I found her.
WM, It's time to take down my profile. I think I can have finally found someone compatible for me. I'm stubborn, a conservative and believe in compromise in a relationship.
Hey WesternMatch,
I liked her on video and I love her in person. Please delete my profile. We are strarting a relationship.
Thanks for your service,
Y'all I just want to tell you, never could I have imagined finding someone like her on a dating site. She's my perfect little lady. This is where this cowboy rides away. Thanks.
Hi, I would like to inform you I have found a wonderful lady friend and would like to delete my profile. I would also like to thank you for your service. God Bless!
Brad aka Tipmyhat2u
I found someone on this site. I am no longer looking so I’d like to delete this account please; how do I do that?
Sent by Jtcowgirl99
I've been dating a man i met from this site. He's something else. If I can give anyone advice it would be to not judge someone based on their photo. My guy looks much better in person lol. Give people a chance, I'm glad i did. -
lacowgirl20 -
Dear WM, I have been with you guys for a long time. You may know me as bulltex. I've often messaged you and very thankful you helped this computer illiterate guy with some of the problems I had. Nothing bad, just a few mishaps. Well I'm happy to say I think I've found the one. I don't want to jump the gun but we've been communicating for 2 weeks and I finally met her. She's alittle older than me but DAM, she's special. Can you please remove me from your site. Thanks again and take care! bulltex -
Western Match I would like to be removed from your site. Would like to give this a chance with a nice lady.
Thanks kindly - Bitethebullet -
Cancel me please. I met a country boy. He's so sweet and i want to give it a try. On second thought, can you take me offline in case it don't work out?
Time to leave this site. Met lot's of friends but sorry to say I am still single. Thanks for offering your service. You are the best site in my book.
KatlinCowgirl - 3/2/22
Hey guys, Just want to let you know that i met my little lady on here. We've been dating for about a month now. I'm happy! Please remove me.
BullShift - 2/24/22
Please delete my profile. I had a great time but I met someone and would like to give this a try.
sweetdreams - 2/9/22
I met the person of my dreams on As my profile name says, "Gottaride".
Gottaride - 1/16/22